Dividend & Stock Information



Based on the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) on June 15, 2017, the shareholders approved the distribution of cash dividends amounting to Rp 4.75 per share or Rp 88,045 derived from the 2016 net profit, which was paid on July 14, 2017. Based on the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders on June 15, 2016, the shareholders approved the distribution of dividends of Rp 91,984 and stock dividends with maximum amount of Rp 128,369, originating from the 2015 net income, which was paid on 15 July 2016 and July 28, 2016. Based on the resolution of the GMS on June 30, 2015, the shareholders decided to distribute cash dividends amounting to Rp8 per share or Rp121.3 billion of the remaining net profit of the fiscal year 2014, in which the cash dividend payment was made on July 31, 2015.


Stock Information (IDX:CTRA)


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